Karl Straube's influence on Reger's organ works
Alexander Becker, Christopher Grafschmidt
Karl Straube was not only one of Reger’s closest friends, but he was without a doubt also his most important adviser in artistic matters and in matters relating to practical musical life. Reger occasionally discussed plans for compositions with him, and together the two friends searched for texts suitable for setting to music. From the time Straube moved to Leipzig in 1907, Reger used to review manuscripts he was working on with Straube, discuss these and works which had just been completed, irrespective of their genre. There has been much speculation about how much influence Straube had on such occasions on the actual shape of the work, however, very little can be ascertained. For on the one hand, important parts of the relevant correspondence are missing,1 and on the other, discussions, at least from 1907, took place mainly in person. Precisely because reliable statements by Reger or Straube or their direct circle are missing, the musical sources have a special importance.
Christopher Anderson summarizes: “[…] the issue of Straube as Mitkomponist will be unavoidable for anyone attempting a critical edition of Reger’s music. Both Straube’s supporters and detractors have tended to cast the circumstances of his involvement in extreme terms, some of which have evolved into stereotypical notions […], others of which have digressed into applicable hypotheticals […]. If Straube’s impact upon Reger is ever to be comprehensively analyzed, that analysis will have to proceed on a case-by-case basis over hundreds of situations and musical passages arising in widely varying circumstances.”2
As far as the organ works are concerned, the interim result is that Straube’s direct influence on the musical text of most of the works can hardly be assumed, or at most to a very limited extent. On the other hand it is well-known that Straube was involved in at least the early stages of the composition of the Variations and Fugue op. 73, insofar as he gave the impetus for this work and also suggested its form (see Composition). In principle, something similar is conceivable for almost every work and is therefore possible in individual cases.
Straube only received the autograph fair copies made for his practical use of the major organ works composed between 1898 and 1900 (see Manuscripts for Karl Straube) after Reger had sent the respective engraver’s copies to the publisher. Exceptions to this are the Sonata op. 33 and the Chorale Fantasia op. 40 no. 1. Here, Reger sent the first copy of the Sonata to Straube before making the engraver’s copy – evidently deliberately in order to seek his opinion of the work; the manuscript has a considerable number of entries by Straube and Reger which were incorporated into the final version of the work (see Composition). Reger reshaped the Chorale Fantasia following a suggestion from Straube (see ).
A comparison of the manuscript sources with the first printed editions does not reveal a systematic revision or any kind of outside influence during the correction stages of any of the organ works of the Weiden or Munich periods – except the tempo markings etc. of op. 69 (see and Unterschiedliche Vortragsangaben).
For op. 127 the findings are different. The engraver’s copy and first printed edition differ considerably in their manual, dynamic and tempo indications and it can be assumed that these alterations originated to a large extent from Straube (see and Unterschiedliche Vortragsangaben). Likewise, with op. 135b Reger revised the performance markings in the proofs, and in at least some of the interventions, suggestions from Straube seem probable (e.g. Fugue, bar 40). Both works have deletions in the manuscript, but these preceded consultations with Straube. In opus 135b deletions were also made in the first proofs, the first of which must also have been made before a meeting with Straube (see and Korrekturschichten).3
About this Blogpost
Alexander Becker, Christopher Grafschmidt
Elizabeth Robinson (en)
1st July 2015
Module IOrgan works
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Alexander Becker, Christopher Grafschmidt: Karl Straube's influence on Reger's organ works, in: Reger-Werkausgabe, www.reger-werkausgabe.de/rwa_post_00010, version 3.1.1, 31st January 2025.
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