Reger's orchestral versions of his own songs
Stefan König, Dennis Ried
In April 1915 Reger approached Universal-Edition in Vienna1 on his own initiative with the suggestion of publishing “a very small selection” of songs in an orchestral version. (Letter dated 29 April 1915) He wanted to leave the decision about which songs should be orchestrated to the publisher. However, they seem to have left the choice to Reger, who combined his thanks for their expression of interest with his announcement that five song arrangements were complete. These were five of the songs most frequently performed by Reger himself.2 As well as Mein Traum op. 31 no. 5 and Fromm op. 62 no. 11, he chose three songs from his Weiden period: Flieder op. 35 no. 4, Glückes genug op. 37 no. 3, and Wiegenlied op. 43 no. 5. Reger explained: “[…] I have chosen such a scoring, that any orchestra, even the smallest one can perform these instrumentations; as well as this the songs are orchestrated so that they are even performable without voice. It is now extremely important to me to know that these very 5 songs are printed in my orchestrations as soon as possible.” (Brief vom 10. Mai 1915)
The manuscripts were sent to the publisher on 19 May; Reger’s plan to add two further songs of the publisher’s choice to the publication did not come to fruition. (See Brief vom 19. Mai 1915) After some disagreements regarding the author’s rights between the parties to the contract (see Reger’s postcard dated 2 June 1915), Reger received his fee on 8 June (see Reger’s postcard), but only received the proofs on 12 February 1916. (See Reger’s postcard) On 5 May, a few days before his death in Leipzig, he returned these to the publisher, to whom he also gave the manuscripts, and released the works for print. (See Reger’s postcard)3 The song orchestrations were published posthumously later that year.4
About this Blogpost
Stefan König, Dennis Ried
Elizabeth Robinson (en)
18th October 2021
Module IISongsVol. II/2
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Stefan König, Dennis Ried: Reger's orchestral versions of his own songs, in: Reger-Werkausgabe,, version 3.1.1, 31st January 2025.
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